Teaching Children Frugality to Ensure the Family’s Future
Children’s future financial security can be measured by their frugality and parents can cultivate good economic sense in their children by being frugal themselves
Blameless Work.
It sweat does not perspire, it will be trapped and changed into tears. Hence, after being born as a human, a person must work and place his hope in future generations.
World Peace Begins with Inner Peace
Happiness is what all human beings seek. A philosopher can consider history up to the present and define happiness according to many concepts and theories.
The Origin of World Peace
Everyone wishes to live in a world of peace and happiness. Peace is very precious to all human beings.
Not Leaving One’s Work Undone
The nature of dung on the tail of a pig is to accumulate with the passing of the days, making it increasingly difficult for the pig to find happiness in its daily life
True Happiness and Inner Peace
Meditation is aimed for peace and happiness. The real nature of meditation is the lesson learned by experience, by the feeling inside or by the inner self.
The Mind as the Origin of Peace and War
The human experience is composed of two important parts, the body and the mind. These two elements communicate back and forth with each other from the
Target Character Trait # 1: Responsibility for ones own human dignity
The first three defilements of actions are physical evil action. The fourth is verbal evil action. The fourth is verbal evil action.
How Good Deeds Can Bring Good Outcomes
It has always ben a challenge to develop human beings to resist the temptations to do bad deeds
True Happiness along the Middle way
Every person in the world desires happiness, hates suffering, and hopes to find true fulfillment. But billions of people have yet to learn the nature of true happiness.